When I learned about My Heavenly Mother Whom Our Father Christ Ahnsahnghong testifies about (2)

The bible says "Male and Female; He created them" This implies that there was not only Male image of God but also Female image of God. Before studying about Mother God, I had read these verses many times, but I had never understood that God's images must be more than one.

After this, God led me to the last mystery of the bible. In Rev 22:17, it is written. 'The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.' There are many different interpretations about the bride. Most Christians consider her as church or followers of Christ, but it is not important at all how people consider the bride. It is only God Almighty who can reveal the mystery of the bible. As it is written, Rev 21:9-10 'One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues came and said to me, "Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb." And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God.' In the same book, Revelation, the bride is described as the wife of the Lamb. The Lamb is Christ who is our Father. Then, who must the bride be? In other words, who must the wife of our Father be to us?

Apostle John, the author of the book of Revelation, says he saw the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God.

So, The Bride = The wife of Christ = The Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God.

Then, what does Jerusalem represent? The bible says in Gal 4:26 'But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.' God has told us that the heavenly Jerusalem is our MOTHER. Wow!! We have God who is our MOTHER..!! Let's go all the way back to Genesis.

God said "Let us (FATHER AND MOTHER) make man in our (FATHER AND MOTHER) image in our (FATHER AND MOTHER) likeness"
"Male (FATHER'S IMAGE) and Female (MOTHER'S IMAGE) he created them" Also, In Revelation "The Spirit (FATHER) and The bride (MOTHER) say come," "The Bride, The wife of the Lamb (WIFE OF OUR FATHER IS OUR MOTHER)"

Despite, it is simple and easy to understand, why did nobody find out or reveal? According to the Bible, it is the last secret of the bible which can only be revealed by The Root of David, and as the bible prophecies, our Heavenly Father Christ AhnSahngHong has revealed it to us. It is so amazing that all the questions you can possibly think of have already been answered in the Bible. I truly want to give all thanks to our Father Ahn Sahng Hong and our heavenly Mother the New Jerusalem because now, I know that I have the water of life, the everlasting life given through the Spirit, my heavenly Father and the Bride, my heavenly Mother.


Proveyours said...

I like the verse "The sheep of God listen to His voice." I give thanks to Christ Ahn Sahng Hong who came to this earth to seek and take care of His lost ones.

Kimberli said...

I never tire of hearing about our Heavenly Mother. In Matthew 22, it talks about the Kingdom of Heaven being like a wedding banquet: but if Jesus is the Groom, and We are the quests, then who is missing? The Bride! She was hidden, in the scriptures.

Anonymous said...

Without Christ Ahnsahnghong, nobody would know about true Jesus Christ and eternal life.

CherubAngel said...

When I learned about Heavenly Mother I also wondered why I had never seen it even though it was so clear. But the Bible says that Christ is a mystery...But eveyone knows the male Christ..In 2Co 4:4 it say the image of God is Christ. Then there is a female Christ also. Thats why it says Christ is a mystery! Only God can reveal this mystery and only Christ AhnSahngHong revealed this mystery to us. Then clearly he must be God!